Page Rules - We’re here to help you, not them!

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Page Rules

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These rules are in place to protect the visitors, followers and the page, from breaching the laws of the land and Facebook Community Standards and aply to all Spiceheads pages, groups, websites, Twitter and YouTube pages.

1.  No Negative Snowflake comments.                                         Instant ban
2.  No Political comments or statements.                                      Instant ban
3.  No Racist comments or statements.                                         Instant ban
4.  No Sexist comments or statements.                                         Instant ban
5.  No Discrimination against the protected characteristics.          Instant ban
6.  No Insults or slurs towards the Police.                                      Instant ban
7.  No Mention of Tommy Robinson.                                              Instant ban
8.  No Returning on another profile to protest a ban.                     Instant ban

9.   No comments or insults towards the person filming.     Warning to remove
10. No Insults towards the page.                                         Warning to remove
11. No Insults towards the admin.                                       Warning to remove

12. Anti-Vax comments will be removed without warning when noticed.
13. Stickers or gifs will be removed without warning when noticed.
14. Offensive swear words will be removed without warning when noticed.

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